A very rare and unusual Visigothic solidus
Los 1439
VISIGOTHS, Gaul. Uncertain king, circa mid-late 5th century. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.41 g, 7 h), imitating Ravenna, in the name of Valentinianus III (425-455). D N PLA VALENTI-NIANVS P F AVG Rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Valentinian III to right, crowned by manus Dei (sic!). Rev. VICTORI-A AVGGG / R-V / COMOB Valentinian III standing facing, placing his right foot on head of human-headed coiled serpent and holding long cross with his right hand and Victory on globe in his left. CNG E-Auction 430 (2018), 445 (for a similar imitation of differing style). RIC -, cf. 3712 (for official type without manus Dei). Very rare. Minor areas of weakness, otherwise, good very fine.

From the Maggiore Collection, formed in the late 1970s to early 2000s.

This curious Visigothic imitation adds Galla Placidia's manus Dei to Valentinian's portrait, making it clear that the 'pellet-in-crescent' on the piece in CNG E-Auction 430 (2018), 445 is actually also meant to be the hand of god.
300 CHF
700 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 09-Dec-18, 23:59:30 CET
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